I find myself in an area where the roadside is a canvas painted with a disturbing amount of trash, an unfortunate sight embraced as normal. Both adults and children thoughtlessly throw wrappers and plastics onto the road, sidewalks become the ideal spot for spitting, and to add to the chaos, merchants sweep their garbage directly onto the very road we tread! 🤐

Each instance of witnessing this environmental disregard is a painful experience, I feel like a silent observer in a world seemingly indifferent 🤕. In those moments, a self-disheartening narrative echoes in my mind.

Blaming a singular individual for this chaos is unmeaningful because it has become a social norm and anyone opting out of this behavior is being considered a ‘weirdo’. 🤷‍♂️

🌱 A Remedy in Transformation

The common plea is, “Just pick up the waste and put it in a bin!” But reality scoffs at simplicity. First of all, there is no specific public garbage disposal system set in place —no bins in sight, and even if they existed, maintenance is a foreign concept. 🗑️

Let’s assume there is a proper garbage disposal system, but that doesn’t (by itself) doesn’t make a place clean! What good is a disposal system if people aren’t inclined to use it? 🤔

The solution lies in altering perspectives. People’s vision towards waste management should change. They should feel guilty about the piece of paper they threw out of the window! 🌱💔

💡 Why Accountability Matters

It’s the collective effort and mindset that determines the cleanliness of a place. Authorities must understand the importance of this subject and craft a visionary plan to instill a sense of responsibility in waste disposal.

It’s not like we lack a thing to make it work, it’s just a collective ignorance. Think about it yourself, isn’t that true? 🌈💭✨